Updates :
- new topic hippology :
General , breeds ; dresses; gaits; aplombs ; skeleton, muscles ; hooves; view
- the figures
- Links: Added sites, sales and listings.
weight calculation; A ood; cues (temperature, rhythms, etc ...); vermifuge; vaccine poisonous plants; you need in the pharmacy; blood test, ...
diseases and ailments :
skin diseases (ringworm, scabies, dermatitis, ...); Respiratory Diseases; Nosebleeds; Lameness
infectious anemia; Colic; Cornage; Heatstroke; Coup de sang (myoglobinuria disease or Monday); Diarrhea; Echauboulure; pulmonary emphysema; Flooding; Fever Laminitis; Gourma ; Leptospirosis; Rage; Tetanus; AHS piroplasmosis, ...
Horse equipment :
Presentation help choosing equipment and all size charts
Shortcuts types of equipment: jaws ; stool ; bridles ; protections ; the reins
Crafts houses
Hippology : New
General , races; dresses ; gaits; aplombs ; skeleton, muscles ; hooves; view
bases and vocabulary ; figures ; examinations ; dressage
Work Horse:
Bars ground loin
Equipment rider : - on the head ; in hand ; on the back, buttocks ; feet
Disciplines :
Jumping, Dressage, complete, western, endurance, trec, hunter, polo, horse-ball, Doma Vaquera, coupling, sidesaddle.
regulations, explanations, materials, pedagogy, ...
Links to : Updated
Tips, official websites of organizations, forums, blogs ...