winter has damaged homes in the Chaussée d'Ixelles. The taggers have worked hard on the facades of houses, the shutters of shops and even street furniture. A shopkeeper regrets helplessly: "What do you do? We leaves our shop in the evening. And the next day we found our window covered with tags. They do that night. This gives a bad image of the neighborhood. "
We see everything from so-called artistic colorful drawings, and graffiti on some walls, some "on" have even had fun tagging "messages" like: "People no longer believe in Santa Claus, they vote" . Pending such sentence, oh and participatory citizenship, pollutes the facade of a house on the corner of the Chaussée d'Ixelles. Serving Clean
there an anti-tags that removes the dirt from the free wall at the owner's request. An agreement is first signed between the municipality (the College) and the owner. Still, the waiting list is too long. To simplify the process, the new deputy mayor of the Clean, Delphine Bourgeois asked that the signing of this agreement takes place after the détaguage. "For now, the waiting period is four weeks between the request of the owner and the field work," says town councilor. "Also because the agreement must be signed at the College. Henceforth, we will avoid this step and win two weeks. The agreement will be signed by the College after détaguage. Secondly, we will train more staff and increase the anti-tag team. Finally, it is imperative to train a team of sworn officers who will punish the culprits in terms of cleanliness. " Also we mention that the product used for cleaning walls would be sensitive to cold. In other words, no anti-tag service when it's minus 8 degrees outside.
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