At the recent final of the Miss Belgium contest, one of those present to the jury exclaims seeing Halima Chehaima, candidate Brussels: " My God, you ave a dress z sup erb e!" . This will be the split second

His passion for playing dress him just like all girls of age, with its Barbie dolls. "I remember eight years, my dolls were my whipping boy, I used them as a model. I took rag and a handkerchief to dress. At school, rather than listening to teachers, I drew dresses on my bench. My dream was to study art. "
Originally Tangier, the mother of Ben Taher slows Lamya, initially, the fierceness of his daughter. "She was worried because she saw the job as artistic too precarious. She said "You've v die Street "through probably the fate of Vincent Van Gogh" . In order not to upset her parents, Lamia Ben Taher is his dream in parentheses. She engages in tourism studies. "I took six kilos so I was bored," smiles the designer. "I spent my time eating. Subsequently, I decided to pull myself together. I studied English for a year. "
Returning to the charge, Lamia Ben Taher who persuaded her parents to let her begin studying fashion design. "I had a place gold as a medical secretary that I refused to realize my dream. If the school has taught me, I nevertheless retains a painful memory. For three years I struggled against the prejudices of some professors who were my designers creations too Arabization. When you see that today the East is back in fashion ... "
Despite these pitfalls, Lamia Ben Taher loop his three years of study and began his job in a shop in the Rue de Flandres. "As the store has been around a long time, I had to stay course in a traditional line. I drew a collection of dresses made in Asia. "
In 2003, she was given carte blanche to launch his own label she calls "Lina Design by Amanda" . This is the starting point of a success story ...
"Enhance the beauty of women"
the hands of Lamia, the tissues are transformed into glittering evening dresses, often hugging Shaping the attire of women. "For evening wear, I'm having. I love anything that enhances the beauty of women. I create dresses for the girls transform into vixens and elegant. I have no limits. It is not necessary to make a sexy woman to unveil sometimes outrageously, its anatomy. The suggestion has more charm. I use a lot of silks, satins, the Mikado silk and lace that I love. In fact, all subjects I like. I could make a dress from a trash bag. Before drawing, I feel the matter. That's how I draw. Unlike most designers, I first create a bust on the dress before the draw on paper ".
Miss Wardrobe Stylist
earned his stripes in fashion by launching into creations worn by the contestants of Miss Brussels. "One of my clients was the daughter of a former organizer of the contest. We had excellent contacts. In 2004, she asked me to dress the girls who participated in the contest. I particularly remember Tatanya Silva (Miss Belgium 2005). She came to the shop one day before all the other candidates, choosing a dress in fuschia. The next day, all the other candidates wanted this dress, but she had already been taken ... " Last year, Lamya dressed the girls involved in deletions in two other regions in addition to Brussels Hainaut and Walloon Brabant. Working with the contenders for Miss is not always easy.
" All the girls are not easy. Some are really temperamental. Even with a size dummy, they are still a few flaws. I would often say "But be happy: you do not have a true physical disability." I love the dress, it is my great Barbie dolls. Most are not real models. Therefore any work so they can get on a podium. A real challenge. "
Soon, the stylist will hold its first parade whose profits will be donated to an orphanage in Morocco. "You can win a ton of money but if we not help people is futile. I am godmother to an association of children orphans. When we saw them play, we can not remain indifferent. "
For the future, even if Lamya dream of a day dress princesses of Gotha, she nevertheless has his feet on earth. "My ambition is to become the great stylist behind which everybody runs. I just hope I live my work and continue to have fun creating dresses ... "
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