Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fireflies Ron Pope Sheets Free

Discover the unexplored regions of Quebec

- ticket written in collaboration with Ariane

Always looking for new places and unusual sensations, we offer this month a tour of the back- Quebec countries, Mauritius more importantly, to discover a picturesque and little-known parent.

Indeed, this weekend, we left Three Rivers to take the train in Shawinigan in the direction of this small isolated village in Haute-Mauricie, midway between La Tuque and Senneterre, Abitibi. It is interesting that the village was founded at the time of construction of the National Transcontinental Railway, which began in 1908, during the development of Abitibi-Témiscamingue. The first train service in 1913 Parent, as the town became for a time a terminal (breakpoint) important.

Because with us, ghosts are never far away, assign them the place before they make too insistent. According to legend, more workers are apparently died during the construction of the railway, the most painful. To add to the decorum of dead workers have even been used here and there Ballast the rails! Image, we can also find, not the victims, but rather different lines of railway passengers still available (in our case, we borrowed the journey in gray).
At the time of the founding of Parent, in 1910, the train served therefore established various hamlets throughout the several hundreds of kilometers of track. Today, most of these villages have been converted into cottages for vacationers, with a few exceptions: Wendigo, Weymontachie, Clova and ... Parent. But the map still bears traces of the existence of these ancient cities, as we can see here:
We took the train on Friday for a trip of nearly six hours. It was raining at the start in Shawinigan, as shown in this photograph of the station:
way, Ariane, in good devil, can not resist the temptation to take pictures of the landscape, which gives the impression to walk in the woods or beside a lake. At times, we also have the illusion, as trees and rocks are nearby, they will hit us through the windows. A few scattered images of the trip:
(note the appearance of snow, as we get further north)
Here, isolation is almost complete ... Difficult to imagine the existence of all these people in the middle of nowhere at the beginning of last century ...
Correction of essays on board ... Meanwhile, a new Ariane corrects the Wendigo.
We finally arrive at Parent, whose streets are covered with several inches of snow, to our astonishment. We are after all on November 5 and took the train in the rain ...
The evidence (not signs of suspicious findings on arrival, which led to the lair of a Wendigo):
too frightened by the Wendigo, we retrace path towards the Central Hotel, where we chose to sleep for the weekend, sleeping under a utopia here, given the walls - really - cardboard. But Ariadne, who loves science fiction, is pleased to present a utopian village. In addition, the place has a certain charm, whether through to his motel or a bar of record, we can not prevent us to draw some pictures on the theme of moose:
Here, the Internet connection is risky, with a considerable delay. To underline the story that the whole population had access to television signal that ... 1973.
On the poster: a contest plumes!

The Next day we start to explore the intricacies of Parent, which celebrated its centenary of foundation this year.
The former hardware store in the city ... As we teach our visit, the village has already seen more prosperous times ... Today it remains as a trade that two gas stations, grocery stores, convenience stores and other places of accommodation, with their respective restaurants.

Fire Station ... Essential, even when we know that this year Fire raged in the area.

old houses, including this one owned by Napoleon Dupont (impossible to ignore the owner's name).
Intrepid grizzly run along the pink facade of this house.

way, in addition to many homes for sale, we passed several abandoned houses, often with windows broken, like the ruins left open to the ravages of time ... On Main Street, the impression of moving into a ghost town sometimes becomes persistent.

Some examples:
River ... The effects of cold really bite, come on after over two hours to walk ... Let us get to the motel wisely placed under the protection of moose totem.
The next morning, return approach, we return finally Station Parent. The Wendigo was still raged last night:
Waiting near the tracks ...

Train arrival and return to Trois-Rivières

The trip has uncovered a little known region of Quebec, whose isolation can also escape the urban rhythm that is usually ours.

Hoping that you walk and his images have been nice and allowed you to travel in snowy streets prematurely Parent!


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