- focus on one or two projects at a time ... note the significance of events and messages in achieving your goal
-the left brain is the rational part that wants to understand, analyze, predict
-right part is the seat of creativity and intuition is the most IMPORTANT
we now know that the brain stores words, phrases and thoughts that are repeated regularly. The right side of the brain registers a particular way ... if you say regularly: I do not want to fail professionally ... your brain does not retain the negatives will record: I fail professionally. If you say regularly: I do not want my account is the debtor, the brain will save: I want my account debtor is a result you get, what you do not want.
The brain is programmed so it is important to pay close attention to your way of speaking and thinking
I invite you to observe and listen to those around you and you would find there is a connection between what they say and what is manifest in their lives
For example a person who often says that life is difficult, it is not obvious, it still has problems, created in his daily life, what she thinks .... what reinforces their beliefs and their situation will worsen over months ... believe that it falls on him but in reality it created the situation.
If you listen to a successful person in life, you discover that it speaks positively. She believes in her, in life and in the other .. There is always a solution to it whatever the situation. It develops more and more the capacity for happiness, she receives more and more.
So repeat internally or aloud:
-everything goes wonderfully well in my life at all levels
-I have a wonderful and well-paid profession etc ... etc. ....
-when you have a project or goal, the brain knows exactly what to do, when to make requests and to perform.
The brain is a powerful transmitter ... All the thoughts that pass through your head are issued and directed to situations or people concerned that they are ready for you or to 5000 km, their subconscious will receive the vibrations and thus the information you have issued either thoughts of love or aggression. It is recognized that information travels at the speed of light, is 5-7 times around the earth per second.
The brain is a powerful receiver and thus a sensitive mother can easily perceive the anguish of her child even if he is away.
can say that intuition is always right, by cons which comes from the mind, that is to say, the left brain is not always .. I would say that it is our mind which is misleading.
The key to success, happiness and joy, is to build the mental equivalent of what you want and keep them in your head .. be careful in what you think, what you write and what you say.
Yes I am responsible for my life 100% .. which means that everything goes well in your life is your responsibility. Remember to congratulate and thank him for what is right, for everything you have done positive. Before when I happened something negative, I was looking for a manager to immediately outside it is much easier now I make every effort to find the meaning, the why of what I saw.
Being totally at peace with others is not having any thoughts, words or negative attitude vis-à-vis the people you are close. It has been used to criticize and show essentially limits in others instead of seeing their beauty
When you meet other people, it is easy to criticize or get caught in the game But I remind you that any what one thinks or says about a person, she gets vibrationally and telepathically and you can totally do him wrong.
These are the sufferers who make others suffer, they need your love.
Whenever we criticizes a person or group of people, we send the negative energy that will not only make those people wrong but also fuel conflicts in other parts of the world, increasing the disorder. Subconsciously you are engaged in killing, stealing, hurting when critical thought or speech.
Many people today agree that if 1% of humans living in peace, there would be no war on earth. This means that currently there is not 1% of people who live that peace, and yet half the world population believes in a religion .. It was sobering. Many speak of peace but we live it.
The people we meet and their behavior towards us = our mirror. The people one meets are a reflection of what we are .... This means that if you get to see the best of each person, it will be up to your vision. A person regarded as aggressive and violent is going to show you with gentle and pleasant. We made thousands of experiments that confirm this behavior.
Think with your heart when you meet a person I recognize in you, the better. By sending a sincere love to others, you live more in peace and you allow others to live in peace. You bring the vibrations of love and peace and unconsciously you reduce conflict over land and will prevent acts of malevolence.
If you look good in your life, how you lived your childhood, your adolescence and your adult life, you will find the roots, indices, and the basics of your mission on earth Take time
to note what has been important since your childhood, what impressed you most in positive and negative elements and discover your personal legend.
What I notice is that people who consciously acknowledge their qualities and write are then recognized by outsiders.
more you enjoy and you'll be more appreciated
the habit of seeing others only in their qualities and they will see only your grades
Give gifts to those you love without expectation of return and you will receive much of life.
The difficulties are actually inviting us to decode messages in a change and transformation of our behaviors and decisions
So when you have a problem, accept it and see immediately in this situation, an invitation to change. The fact to accept, prevents you resist, suffer and therefore stress.
Suffering is directly linked to resistance. In letting go, you'll have access to solutions and everything back to normal quickly
Accept the changes and unexpected ... It is essential to follow the movement of life. Life is movement, constant change and you will follow without resistance the current of life, the more it will be enjoyable and easy. We can compare this to the drop part of the stream and is swept away by the current until sea Your life is not static and guided you in confidence, opportunities arise.
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