Mermoz (I write that the psychological aspect, I do not write all his adventures, it's too long to explain it !!.... again and again that the outside reflects the inner. ... all the time!
We did all happen!!
I know that only the big events, big drops, big successes and big opportunities are a big man
His heroic appetite on some days had to settle for a coffee cream .. He was penniless, without any hope, but he repeated constantly: I'll steal, I steal, I am a pilot, I'll pilot (the power of thought dixit MF)
At one meal he was able eating: two dozen oysters, a whole lobster, a whole chicken, a whole pie + desserts and fruit.
For 8 years he did not live a single day, except those where he had to fight to the death without thinking of crossing the Atlantic
"I'm sad, I have a terrible doldrums." In Argentina, where his outer life is so full, the line of his private life is shattered by fractures, concussion. Sometimes it feels to run into a dead water (as he dies! Drowned in the Atlantic!)
Nobody could suspect that the burden of distress was this athlete who walked with his head so high from victory to victory. The truth is that
Mermoz could not escape from these crises. Whatever satisfaction was extended to him was forbidden.
He felt anxious about the eternal and insoluble issues: love, death, the meaning to life
The obsession with crossing the Atlantic took over his mind an empire sickly
J ' knew him, he wrote the anguish of thirst after the flight fire in the Arabian desert (he'll drink water from its tank full of acid and it is going to pierce the intestines), I known captivity among the Moors, I have known the embrace of the Andes for 3 days (almost died), the breakdown in virgin forest in the heart of Brazil, the descent by parachute after failure with the aircraft flight Toulouse, the breakdown in the South Atlantic, etc. ... what can I learn more?
Mermoz who believed he had explored to the depths the human morass, suffered the worst
He realized he had left his youth on these shores and it would never be happy
Mermoz (when what he has created is taken by Air France with a heap of corruption ) There had been at the expense of his happiness and inner peace, the spectacle of snobbery, cowardice and terrible struggle that is unceasingly for empty honors and greed.
In his intimate life, a slow, sure and fatal breakdown between him and his wife
For ease, all inform and enlighten all, it had flying and Mermoz flew and it was not an archangel who carried his plane but a man who crossed the
whole prism of the rainbow people.
Such an experience with a man of such sensitivity are not acquired with impunity
"any Mermoz is finished writing this time everything is completed "
As the months passed and that was widening his knowledge of others and himself, he fell back, away from all that fame threw his feet. His melancholy native turned into a kind of luminous sadness.
Mermoz often thought of death. He said: "I would die in plane!" And that is what will happen to him!
was a neurasthenic and created deep in my humble opinion his own demise by its internal state
Conclusion: Thinking +++++ although circumstances say otherwise. Whatever the situations and people: to extract the POSITIVE !!!!!
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