He told me very calmly how he separated his mind from his body and was able to witness scenes very far from here to Calcutta, and could even hear the traffic noise in the middle of London while the British capital unfolded before his eyes.
-A sense of divine protection inevitably destroys any hint of fear in the root-
There is a Higher Power that ignores the ambitions and aspirations.
-The spiritual emptiness of our times and the misery of our inner resources are expressed clearly enough in the chaos and distress that we see all around us.
-In human affairs, the son of the causes and consequences are bound by invisible hands that make a justice inevitable readjustment repairman is constantly at work. The
-human world is benighted. He sees only the surface, it does not understand and therefore continues to blindly multiplying errors and sufferings.
-Everything a man does to another inevitably ends up by him back in one way or another.
-Fate will take care of their nations and inculcate what they need to learn.
-Man represents future the triumph of divine intuition on the mere intellect, reason is purely mathematical intuition while Figure outbreak came from who knows where.
-Patience is the key to joy.
-Even in India, despite its degeneration and loss, spirituality are still among a relatively large number of individuals.
-The idea that has ever lived on earth appears ridiculous to the average Western although the East was never thought to question the accuracy of knowledge of his ancestors on this point. If I
-Asian crowd the floor today, I have already had the opportunity to do so in previous lives.
-If we are mere flies flitting on the surface of this planet, the time of our brief stay before disappearing when the West is right, but if we are souls revisit over and over this world, then, during a passage on earth, we seek to repair the sins we've committed in a previous existence is justified by a certain rough justice. And in this case, fate is a force that does nothing for the blind and arbitrary.
"I think even I know that the destiny of man is part God's side and not the worms. The brain does not secrete thought, the body does not produce more soul than does the wire current. The brain like the body are merely conduits that bring into this world and dense material, energy, more refined and subtle.
We are conscious minds .. These spirits are the summary of our character, our tendencies and our capabilities. They are our true personality.
-When big problems arise and that life seems to be more than a dark misfortune, do not mumble sadly: "This is the end" but be confident and tell you instead: "It the beginning. "That should an opportunity to start a new life-
Start overcome your problems in your head and they will eventually be resolved in the most tangible way.
-God still exists and He loves you and watches over you. I assure you that I won the right to write that last sentence
-Silence is the best answer we can give to a malicious critic.
A thought-concentrated and powerful always end up reaching his goal.
-Whoever finds the ring is necessarily its bread at the same time. If the sparrows are fed, why not men nimbus of light? God nevertheless the power to take care of those who serve?
-The old religions have lost their momentum. Learn to discover the truth without cluttering we mummified remains of dogmas
"It is not inappropriate in flight environments that we realize our most impressive progress, but by abandoning thoughts erroneous. The real place where all our troubles arise is in the mind.
-The Divine transcends logic.
-The man who does not see that a higher power to guide and direct its activities must be struck with blindness intellectual
-the ultimate message of the Himalayas is silence. In silence man can find the evidence he seeks both the existence of God, the reality of power, a universal energy constantly at work behind nature. The news that I brought back from these highs = GOD IS REAL
-Sitting in my sanctuary at the top of the mountain, I sometimes feel removed from my body and ascend slowly into the air. I then discovered around the familiar landscape. I could not sleep and I was not dreaming either. However, one day when my servant came to call me, I was unable to make a move or stir a finger when I heard very clearly. I was unable to utter a word nor move a millimeter, yet with great detachment, I could see the scenery around me perfectly. My body was like dead, but I was still alive. Better than a thousand arguments, that convinced me that I will survive because this experience showed me that it was possible to the spirit-man inner-enter or leave the flesh at birth, during sleep and time of death
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