The law of karma (envrac )
Every thought, word and action result in thought, word and action equal and opposite. It's a fair law for everyone. It can not be circumvented. What I invest, I will return, I will harvest the fruits of what I sowed. When it comes to karma, a delay is possible between sowing and harvest. The seeds of certain actions occur instantly, others take years and even lives to become a fruit.
-nothing happens that I am responsible
-If I have good thoughts for others, these thoughts will reach ... whatever may be their feelings for me-
Our mental structure is the result of everything we thought
Why am I here ? Why is she happy and not me? Me why he did that? Why it did succeed in life? Why it was he born blind and without arms? Why she suffers so much, she is so nice? Why is it that child died a horrible death? Why did I married this?
Why? How? Why? What? These issues tearing apart the fabric of consciousness. There only one answer: karma. Nothing can happen that comes from my past or from other
Whatever happened until now, the responsibility can not be attributed to any other person, or my ancestors, nor government or even God
For the future, it happen to me WHAT I AM creating
Humans have the power to create, we have created our current situation in a world of deep pain and suffering. My heart can not say that God is responsible
The current role of God is to teach the universal laws so that we put into practice
The soul itself determines the time, place, social status, gender, body and family where she will be born. This process is not conscious is the cumulative result of the actions of the previous life or previous lives. Everything that happens in everybody's life is the fruit of his own past, recent or distant
We have the freedom to change direction and build the best possible future
The reasons why a certain relationship is going well or not are in the accumulated karmic accounts with each other. My strongest karmic relationships were established before. We knew in other lives and probably in other relationships. The son is now coming back as a husband, the friend comes back as a brother-
etc. ... everything that a person registers in him as a fingerprint. These impressions influence our talents, our personalities and our inclinations
-as a spiritual being, with the same spirit, the same intellect and personality that even now, I have been in other bodies, I knew of other places and I have been involved in other relationships. In summary, I'm still the same person
-Role God is to awaken our conscience. My task is to allow my conscience to clean and refine itself through meditation. I must be able to retire away from my own trap of vicious cycles, emotional dependencies ... is the ultimate goal of meditation that weaves the link with the Oversoul. Through meditation of raja yoga, can cause a very positive way, a profound change of personality. Raja yoga is a method of working directly on the soul itself
Whatever may have been my past karma, the fire of the love of the Oversoul can abolish it and erase its impact in the soul itself
-Giving instead of taking any invalid debt
-Karma par excellence is to bring souls to the Oversoul
In summary, while aware of energy, thoughts, words or actions is a karma that leaves an impression, an impression which receives feedback good or bad
-soul is not immune to the actions it performs
-positive karma is one that benefits the original state of self and others (peace and love)
-negative karma is that which goes against the original state of self and others
-soul takes a human body and comes on the scene of the world experience the action, interaction and impact
-reward or punishment does not come from a higher being whatsoever, this Not a bad turn of divine providence or a whim of fate or luck. It is simply the effect of our thoughts, words and actions created in the past. The individual rewards or punishes himself
-past created the present which, in turn, created the future, it has always been like that
I am not the victim of my past
-cry about the past is useless. I have to convert the sentence to learning. If I sow the joy, the joy I will harvest
I am 100% responsible for my current situation, whatever it is, I definitely created
I can change my present in order to eliminate the weight created in the past
I am the architect of my destiny. The fate or destiny is in fact the effect of my own actions
-No human being can feel the bonds of all its lives more pain than happiness.
-We come into contact with people because we have to deal our karmic accounts with them
-luck or bad luck are the direct result of actions or attitudes of the past. Bad luck is a consequence of suffering inflicted on others in the past and good luck is the result of the joy given to other
we can resolve his karma
three ways-by suffering physical or mental suffering by
- of soul-
by meditation (meditation is a fire in which we burn garbage or negative. This is the way to be certain not to suffer too. It is a painless method
things go well or badly, we feel that there must be a reason. The theory of reincarnation can be very useful to understand that we can do something in life and receive the return in the next life. We may even have done something there are 20 lives and did receive the results until tomorrow morning. Of course we do not know the cause.
We carry with us the memory of our past lives but we are making the prints.
People sometimes commit evil deeds and they seem to get away with it while we make a tiny mistake and we pay right away. The law of karma acts at that time in the short term us and for other long-term but they will not get away because one day or another, they will reap an opposite and equal to
mistakes we can not do good deeds for others, but only
for ourselves-how I get things is also karma. I become responsible for my own reaction and the choice of my reply
-Our health is linked to our karma. Good health is the result of our past karma and the opportunities that life brings us are also the result of past karma. The kind of people we have affinities and the people among whom we are born, our parents, are the result of past karma
-We all have good and bad karma, but most of us have more of karmic debts and we need to credit our accounts ..
To credit our accounts
-consciousness of soul-pure thoughts
-connect with the Oversoul
Here are some ideas ....
Personal notes .. I felt the full brunt of the law of karma in this incarnation with bulimia, no "mom", not "cuddles" and it is undeniable that the connection to the Oversoul, my true Mom, the positive karma that I could do consciousness of mind, good thoughts that I maintain, all this contributes stepping change my destiny for this life and the whole cycle ... In recent years, holding the hand of the Oversoul and understanding the law of karma, I managed to reverse the data that was not glorious at first .... I suffered a lot ... my stage Bulimia is a disease of wild and the magic of raja yoga
That saved me dear readers ... .. ________________________________
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