07/06/2006 Dear Sir
Here is the law of karma .. about my first personal and then I copy the "stuff" in a book
The basic idea to understand the law of karma as the raja yoga = I am a soul, I am a point of light in the center of the forehead. ... Baba is also a point of light. ... full story cycle (for us anyway) = it has taken for the body, we made love with each other physically attracted to and that's great cause of degradation of the world and men ... I am well placed to talk about because I had three husbands, lovers, children, rape a few! ! ! the soul reaches the bottom because of lust.
My experience is evident as soon as I recognized Baba, I began to stop having sex, I connect to the Oversoul, my karma is alleviated ... 20 years ago, with all these stories lust + bulimia .. I could not go, I went through hell. ... and just by understanding the mind and Baba ... my karma is changing
Currently everyone is taken by consciousness body, appearance, lust reigns supreme on this planet and everyone gets out, degenerates with the return of karma that you see everywhere ..
Every time there is suffering, there is a karma behind
Science is at the top but the souls degenerate simply due to lack of understanding: I am a soul, the Supreme Soul is a soul .... It is the end of a cycle and at the end we will see a surge of lust, vice and all that we want .... then again and again I hit you with my ideas because you may end up doing the
beyond the explanation, it yal'expérience ...
I do not know yet what I still like to resolve karma ... but what is certain is that I will remain chaste ... happiness is not in lust ... happiness is much more subtle and profound ...
people create karma with lust + + + and all negative thoughts, without love, they have in mind ....
This aspect in the raja, I like it + + +: it was a way to recover. Not that the pitch. ... I experienced for myself and you've read my book ...
This is the version of Marie-Francoise
The following mail is a book to flesh
I embrace you, sir, I do what I can to help you, Peter ... because one day maybe you'll be glad you have known me ... You are boss, I saw that people are not after you stop me, so sometimes when it does not go with Marie-Claude and one day it will be too heavy for you and maybe you'll want to understand a bit .. the soul, Baba, the law of karma .. little Peter too .. We do not know ... behind his songs .... There is no chance and I have a more easy relationship with him ... it's linked to good karma ..
In any case, you have great qualities, so I can not let you without understanding. ... fly women ...! ! ! ! (Laughs) Marie-Francoise
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