Preview of Diane de France, the rebellious princess Stephane Bern (illustrated edition )-Some fates are marked by signs. From childhood, Princess Diana was able to decipher
is indomitable, rebellious, only feelings of affection can tame
I wanted to write this because I am also born in an aristocratic environment and I find myself without his words ... and we measure the degradation of the nobility and aristocracy ... inside castles and appearances than meanness, pettiness, stupidity, greed and that is why inheritance collapse, the fortunes squandered, families s'écartèlent eaten ... inside by the moral vices .... and the only way to get out can only be SPIRITUAL ... in this case to reconnect on a resource that BE PERFECT soul
Diane de France was placed 9 years in institution psychiatric with his brother. His parents, Earl and Countess of Paris wanted to break his impulses, curb his temper!
"In the eyes of my parents, this cousin was banished from our table under the pretext of having renounced the Catholic religion to embrace the Orthodox faith. When I invoked the dazzling proof of their love, the answer fusa, scathing:" shut now, you is a fool! "
" what was I thinking parents braced their principles in interpreting abuse a religion based on love? And when Pope John 23 absolut his "sin" after some time, everyone rushed to invite him. O depths of hypocrisy! "
" Rejected by my own, I found the disease among farmers and people of very modest conditions. I found the love in the eyes of maids, cooks and our government, much more than from my parents for whom education of a child resembling the establishment not of a young conscript Far from
m'appitoyer for myself, I drew in me the strength to wait for better days
All children were thwarted in their personal projects, their tastes, their dreams. Frank enlisted in the army because our father prohibited from pursuing a career in agriculture .. Jacques had to give up riding his passion ... "
Diana married the Duke Carl of Württemberg and she will leave her in-laws live in the castle of Altshausen Castle austere area of 18,000 hectares of 45 large farms studded
life with his beautiful family, it was very hard for her ... she had the support of her husband ..
"my freedom of movement was confined to the long corridor on the first floor. To walk in the staterooms, I had to ask permission
My stepmother and her daughters ran the operations, amid jealousies, bitterness and recrimination "
" The pettiness of my own family did not limit either
"I tried to live in isolation, knowing that if I ventured into the family camera, I might wiping a combined attack of harsh criticism or sharp spikes of jealous fury. I offer my prayers to God asking him to give me the strength to endure injustice and endure the daily humiliations "
" when employee breaks a plate, he is obliged to pay its value against its pledges "
" Also this accident (she breaks a leg) gave the front of the stage, disagreements with my beautiful family. The gap dug deeper than a moat "
" my wife's family which I measured each day a little more than the limits of humor "
" Remember that my stepmother gave me one day that I could find now forbidden to pick fruit in the garden because I was on private property "
Duke Carl was especially fond of Princess Diana for her original and free but the fiery temperament of Diana fueling criticism
"looking forward! What I experienced, I had to live. I walk through these events because this was probably my destiny "
" we ended up and listen I understand because I never hides I'm honest, perhaps too because I do not know acting. Over time I learned to keep quiet if you do not ask me, having noticed how disturbing truth ...."
"Compared to my children: I taught them never to utter slander because to me, is what is worst. Gossip can kill "
" the insults suffered by my family are due to the errors of my father and the inconsistency of my brothers. My parents were too proud, deeply convinced of their importance royal. My mother was a socialite unrepentant, she loved to please, always convinced of its beauty, its nobility. She often missed beauty of heart, and child, I was shocked to see her simper in front of men to annoy Dad
... Susur whispered to my husband, critics most treacherous to me. I quickly realized that if I wanted to save my marriage and my peace, I had to keep my distance and my family to stay away
Besides I do not support their chatter over an hour or two, the ones who common refrain of not being able to gossip, the indiscriminate, always rejecting others, their own inconsistency, refusing the slightest bit of self-criticism "
Beyond the financial issue, the recent history of the royal family is like one of those novels where the B series marital problems, personal squabbles, wars and dynastic financial scandals threaten at any moment, bring down the hero of his pedestal
she gets sick (disease = poisoning blood poisoning)
"unable decidedly not rely on my family who did not take me seriously and refused to fly to my aid under the odious pretext that the money from my husband could give me anything I wanted ..
The ditch was then dug a little deeper with my family who did not know me a helping hand "
" Maybe he was just as I pass by way of the cross to acquire another open-mindedness. I believe fundamentally that nothing is accidental.
Enjoy every day as possibly the last and therefore live fully, intensely, marveling at being alive and trying to give to others what one receives
Personality of Princess Diana ( I am confused, she is my sister!): controlled extravagance, its artless frankness, common sense and welcomed by all
"Wherever I am in the world, I send my friends, for thinking, positive vibes
Early on, I realized that true beauty is that of the soul and heart
Is it to take the cons-up of what I Having my mother that I have a holy horror of worldliness? Mom had a knack for always receive friends who came to tea at home and spouting nonsense. I've always felt uncomfortable in these halls of worldly vanities, where people plastronnent, pontificate, talk to them with pleasure but are unable to push the conversation further than the froth surface.
With my frankness, I saw early on that I sense and I preferred to deepen bonds of genuine "friendship privately
" Anyway, I found this company Parisian aristocrat superficial, selfish, bloated self-importance and can not hide his stupidity under a layer of varnish hypocrite "
Every night, I proceed with clarity and severity in my examination of conscience .. I eliminate all negative thoughts, I cast the bitterness of my heart and I am forbidden to give in to gossip
Only my account eyes, to appear before God without a mask
I'm not a saint but I try to be fair, honest and send love to everyone I meet if they show even malicious to me.
I think basically that human beings are evil when they are unhappy
"I know the peace within the family but it sounds like an impossible dream. We are all brothers and sisters, perhaps differently, failed love in our childhood when we spend our time hanging while protesting that they love each other deeply "
she is beautiful .. the French aristocracy, where children suffer from lack of love .... not everywhere but I also lived + + + ("Marie-Francoise)
" but how not to regret that our society loses the thread of the sacred, dark body and soul into hedonism and materialism !
" I'm not making , I see just what others can not see. I happened to have flashes
For nearly lost it, I love life. In everything, I see the positive side and a mysterious force pushes me to go ahead without stopping. I remain curious, open to any idea, curious about what life holds
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