for a successful life, a love passed (Arnaud Desjardins)
absolute love We keep in our memory deep, subconscious memories that go back well before the existence and demonstrate the fragility of happiness based on life together. You can not really love what you mean by the word "love" if we longer need to be loved. You can not really love that when we most need to be loved. Love on the other we shall then, if I can say, given the bargain but it is no longer a necessity. When we don 'have need to be loved, first we can finally enjoy secondly, you can really feel the love of another because the background of fear has disappeared. What defines the human being is the need to be loved. When we feel or believe we loved, it was momentarily, the fundamental fear of the future is no longer felt When we feel loved, the dangers of nuclear conflict have not disappeared, the dangers of an accident have not disappeared, the dangers of unemployment, economic crisis have not disappeared, the threats we all have not gone away yet and fear, she has disappeared When a man and a woman are truly in love with each other, even in tragic circumstances, fear disappears Even if it's raining bombs on all sides, a child no longer afraid just because His mother hugs him and he feels loved again. The moves need to be loved all beings, not just those who are alone in life and whose life is just frustration. You do not claim to be relatively little loved or loved, you are asking to be loved in a perfect manner, in whole, without a shadow, without a flaw and forever (is this love I've found with the Oversoul see the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University on the internet) |
The application of love can be intensified by frustration childhood, lack of maternal love or the death of the mother or the nostalgia of a great love that we had
You can not love when you no longer need to be loved and viscerally as you need to be loved You do not feel really love each other because you're afraid, afraid doubling
Yet happiness in marriage is not impossible but it would no longer need to be loved so have no fear, more fear of betrayal, more fear of separation, more afraid of the future and to live fully, fully in the moment, in the here and now "
I come to understand how this desire for love that I had also projected onto the ideal woman was gradually filled by my encounters with the wise ( for MF, met with the Oversoul)
Sadly these sages and the saints capable of love as the sun heats and lights are rare in our society
Love these wise or Oversoul for ourselves is a love that does not judge, it is an absolute love. The wise, the Oversoul loves us as we are
Nobody loves us as we are. We loved it as we wanted, such that we wanted while the sage, the Oversoul loves us as we are, absolutely
Make at least honor the Oversoul to believe it is capable of the same love and a guru of the psychological understanding that the greatest psychotherapist
I said earlier that love was what was most terrible, fantastic. Now I'll tell you what is most horrible, not love self
Do not love yourself, not accepting who we are, to judge, feel guilty ... as if the Oversoul was able to stop loving us. It is only we who by our mistakes, can condemn us to hell .. The Supreme Soul is infinite love, infinite
We live where we lived in this tragedy not we love ourselves. You do not forgive you for being what you are
The mind grows with the child and the mind is woven comparisons
As I am clumsy, childish, fallible, proud, I am worthy of love. Imperfect as I was, I could be loved and gradually I learned to love myself
This is the impasse in the debate almost all men and women: I dream of being loved, I absolutely need be loved, I fail because my romance are always emotional, if not alas neurotic. I live in fear, impossible demands, projected the awkwardness because I do not feel loved enough to be free from want to be.
The first person whose love you need is you as you are, incomplete, imperfect
You think as you are, you can not love you; That distorts everything and makes life, this pathetic quest for love
Instead of begging for love from people who are not able to love because they themselves need to be too, come to beg for love from those who no longer need to be loved, to be totally sufficient to themselves and therefore are really capable of loving.
It is terrible tragedy to hope that we're in love, divine moments of which there remains nothing but the bitterness of the passions that can change quickly in wounds and hatred, until, to suffer less, we destroyed within us the richness of our sensitivity
An absolute love can do anything, including ourselves. Could there be any happiness if we do not love ourselves, if we refuse what we are and if our guilt overwhelms us?
The Oversoul love you as you are
One who really feels like can not be mean, someone who really feels like can not be ambitious and someone who has done something great in his life is a being who felt loved, most likely by his mother. There is no man and woman wicked. Nor Stalin has destroyed 20 million of its citizens including its comrades, no Hitler, no one. (I note that it was Arnaud Desjardins said that not Marie-Francoise) Only people unloved. If Stalin had been really loved, he would not have killed 20 million Russians, if Hitler had been really loved, he would not have destroyed millions of Germans and Europeans
Love you with your limitations and Do your imperfections
think more, do more than others think and do you consider yourself more. Try to love others as they are and love yourself as you are, understand others as they are and understand you as you are
What defiles the most human love is always fear from a craving to be loved and everything is distorted.
If fear is gone, you do not risk anything .. you can play the game because you are sufficiently stable, solid to awaken in another free consciousness that will grow gradually and Love becomes possible .
If we no longer need to feel loved BE and to escape the fear, human love is given us besides.
In conclusion, Marie-Francoise speaks "Because I am loved by the Supreme Being that I do not need a man in my life with all that entails tearing, attachment, desire, jealousy
So thank you for making Oversoul realized that Marie-Francoise You were