Many people suffer from rheumatism without being aware of the vital role of diet in these diseases
Excess food of animal origin (meat- milk ..) causes an overload of protein and fat that clogs the joints gradually
In countries where people eat mainly plants, rheumatic diseases are virtually nonexistent. It is wrong to believe that we should eat meat or dairy foods not to suffer from deficiencies .. plant proteins are quite adequate for the proper functioning of our cells. For 25 years, I propose to rheumatic patients: "just try it .. a few weeks of plant food without animal products .." and I received thousands of confirmations of this simple truth: it is easy to clean up the "engine" and get rid of rheumatism by becoming aware of the principles of healthy eating
And if at the same time, you learn to clean up his mind while connecting with his spiritual being, the results will be rapid.
Why continue to suffer? Health is something you learn!
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