Saturday, May 27, 2006

Japanese Kissing Teacher And Student

poetry on the Supreme Soul: The sun sets over the sea

The sun sets over the sea

Fireball full of love and strength
You teach me to live the magnitude
L brilliance of diamonds, triumphant laugh
This God, who has always
created the splendor of every day
How could we believe in our hubris

God had betrayed us,
he had, in His anger Wanted
our miseries, So our wars
He reminded us
Every sunset
His Love God, in His generosity,
We made free, totally free
We can destroy and curse
Rampage, blame, blaspheme
But the sun which sets
Behind the horizon of the sea
daily reminder that we are children of Love
sun shining wonder in my heart Turns

The fire of wisdom

Illuminate my fears And the light From God brings
, patience
humor and creativity

Christian Schaller


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