Friday, May 26, 2006

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suffering linked to time

If you do not want to create more suffering, not create more time
The present moment is all you have. Grant only short visits to the future
All fear comes from fear of death or annihilation
People seek gratification of ego in their social status, their property, their position. All this you should give it up sooner or later
To dissociate the mind, does not live according to the past or future. Past and future are illusions. Time is an illusion
more you focus on the past or the future, the more you miss this, life is NOW
The mind wants to escape this, he created some anxiety for the future or Hope
Observe the mind, watch your thoughts, emotions. Do not judge
When situations result in an emotion, the reaction takes possession of you. It's not about you, but my real scenario of the mind
Observe the mind saves energy
miracle of life when one is in this
Most people identify with their aversions, their emotions, feelings, and this leads to alcohol, too much work, sex as numbing
If the ego is in danger or interpersonal conflict, it causes an intense negativity and anger, depression, violence
What thoughts are you trying to create the face of this situation? Your thoughts or feelings are justified or not, you pollute the present situation. Negativity is never the solution and any negative is contagious.
You are the one and only responsible for your inner life
identification of form is an illusion


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