The Mind and Heart: A Dialogue between the left brain and right brain
-Listen to me "Who are you, little voice?
"I am the voice of your heart, your inner child, your smile and your happiness
-Shut up, I do not want to listen, I am a serious man, me! I have to do, I work, I'm in a hurry, busy
-Si, listen to me you need me, without me you're dry, do you hurry, you hurry to get where, to win what?
-Enough! You gonna tell me I do not know how nonsensical fable, your nonsense, I do not want
Come, relax, come play with me, my love song for you overflows. Do not be so serious, the world will not collapse if you stop a moment to work.
-Well, I grant you 5 minutes. Not one more. Be brief, be accurate, to the point, do not go into detail leads you astray unimportant
-five minutes is just to make you dream,'ll amaze you, you talk about tenderness, sweetness, delicacy, to tell you that you are beautiful, I need you. Come closer to me!
-Oh no! Enough! No familiarity. Stay where you are, be well educated, please.
"But I love you, my love, my darling. I am your child gold, your baby, your treasure, I am the divine spirit that gives you life, I am the wisdom and joy. The stars in my eyes, shining with a thousand lights, arcs in the sky beautiful. I dress your horizons and Mother Nature speaks through me you love without detour
"You're too lyrical, be more logical. What do you mean? Why do you take me so long?
-I want to make you happy, loosen your tie and relax your eyes, give you a little space to live with this simply nothing to do or crusade or war. Being there, just there to breathe, feel life flowing without him chasing
-Stop, you're scaring me, you're dangerous. You're a leftist, a bare-feet, a anarchiste.Tu sow disorder, chaos you preach, I gotta be quiet, save the order, good order, mine. Keep control, do not lose the compass
And an angry gesture, now my mind with incredible violence, stabbed my inner child with good reason, so hard and that poitues red blood starts to flow A warm blood that pulses and moves like a Creek to the earth that receives and drinks without asking anything
Freed from that part of myself that I turned away from the right path, since I lead an exemplary life, a life of businessman
I do not play
I do not cry
I do not laugh
I have no time for trifles
I worked
I gained a lot of money
I proceeded methodically, seriously
-all because I am afraid because toujous
-in my life, everything is in order, everything is well organized and well managed
Except that sometimes in my chest, there is like a big sob that oppresses . My heart is pounding. The doctors gave me medication until I transplant an artificial heart that will allow me to live another 20 years, logically!
Christian Schaller
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