Sunday, August 6, 2006

Non Reactive Hivtest After 30 Days

a hermit in the Himalayas (Paul Burton)

He told me very calmly how he separated his mind from his body and was able to witness scenes very far from here to Calcutta, and could even hear the traffic noise in the middle of London while the British capital unfolded before his eyes.
-A sense of divine protection inevitably destroys any hint of fear in the root-
There is a Higher Power that ignores the ambitions and aspirations.
-The spiritual emptiness of our times and the misery of our inner resources are expressed clearly enough in the chaos and distress that we see all around us.
-In human affairs, the son of the causes and consequences are bound by invisible hands that make a justice inevitable readjustment repairman is constantly at work. The
-human world is benighted. He sees only the surface, it does not understand and therefore continues to blindly multiplying errors and sufferings.
-Everything a man does to another inevitably ends up by him back in one way or another.
-Fate will take care of their nations and inculcate what they need to learn.
-Man represents future the triumph of divine intuition on the mere intellect, reason is purely mathematical intuition while Figure outbreak came from who knows where.
-Patience is the key to joy.
-Even in India, despite its degeneration and loss, spirituality are still among a relatively large number of individuals.
-The idea that has ever lived on earth appears ridiculous to the average Western although the East was never thought to question the accuracy of knowledge of his ancestors on this point. If I
-Asian crowd the floor today, I have already had the opportunity to do so in previous lives.
-If we are mere flies flitting on the surface of this planet, the time of our brief stay before disappearing when the West is right, but if we are souls revisit over and over this world, then, during a passage on earth, we seek to repair the sins we've committed in a previous existence is justified by a certain rough justice. And in this case, fate is a force that does nothing for the blind and arbitrary.
"I think even I know that the destiny of man is part God's side and not the worms. The brain does not secrete thought, the body does not produce more soul than does the wire current. The brain like the body are merely conduits that bring into this world and dense material, energy, more refined and subtle.
We are conscious minds .. These spirits are the summary of our character, our tendencies and our capabilities. They are our true personality.
-When big problems arise and that life seems to be more than a dark misfortune, do not mumble sadly: "This is the end" but be confident and tell you instead: "It the beginning. "That should an opportunity to start a new life-
Start overcome your problems in your head and they will eventually be resolved in the most tangible way.
-God still exists and He loves you and watches over you. I assure you that I won the right to write that last sentence
-Silence is the best answer we can give to a malicious critic.
A thought-concentrated and powerful always end up reaching his goal.
-Whoever finds the ring is necessarily its bread at the same time. If the sparrows are fed, why not men nimbus of light? God nevertheless the power to take care of those who serve?
-The old religions have lost their momentum. Learn to discover the truth without cluttering we mummified remains of dogmas
"It is not inappropriate in flight environments that we realize our most impressive progress, but by abandoning thoughts erroneous. The real place where all our troubles arise is in the mind.
-The Divine transcends logic.
-The man who does not see that a higher power to guide and direct its activities must be struck with blindness intellectual
-the ultimate message of the Himalayas is silence. In silence man can find the evidence he seeks both the existence of God, the reality of power, a universal energy constantly at work behind nature. The news that I brought back from these highs = GOD IS REAL
-Sitting in my sanctuary at the top of the mountain, I sometimes feel removed from my body and ascend slowly into the air. I then discovered around the familiar landscape. I could not sleep and I was not dreaming either. However, one day when my servant came to call me, I was unable to make a move or stir a finger when I heard very clearly. I was unable to utter a word nor move a millimeter, yet with great detachment, I could see the scenery around me perfectly. My body was like dead, but I was still alive. Better than a thousand arguments, that convinced me that I will survive because this experience showed me that it was possible to the spirit-man inner-enter or leave the flesh at birth, during sleep and time of death

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Zenith-19 Camera Repairs


Mermoz (I write that the psychological aspect, I do not write all his adventures, it's too long to explain it !!.... again and again that the outside reflects the inner. ... all the time!
We did all happen!!

I know that only the big events, big drops, big successes and big opportunities are a big man
His heroic appetite on some days had to settle for a coffee cream .. He was penniless, without any hope, but he repeated constantly: I'll steal, I steal, I am a pilot, I'll pilot (the power of thought dixit MF)

At one meal he was able eating: two dozen oysters, a whole lobster, a whole chicken, a whole pie + desserts and fruit.

For 8 years he did not live a single day, except those where he had to fight to the death without thinking of crossing the Atlantic

"I'm sad, I have a terrible doldrums." In Argentina, where his outer life is so full, the line of his private life is shattered by fractures, concussion. Sometimes it feels to run into a dead water (as he dies! Drowned in the Atlantic!)
Nobody could suspect that the burden of distress was this athlete who walked with his head so high from victory to victory. The truth is that
Mermoz could not escape from these crises. Whatever satisfaction was extended to him was forbidden.

He felt anxious about the eternal and insoluble issues: love, death, the meaning to life

The obsession with crossing the Atlantic took over his mind an empire sickly

J ' knew him, he wrote the anguish of thirst after the flight fire in the Arabian desert (he'll drink water from its tank full of acid and it is going to pierce the intestines), I known captivity among the Moors, I have known the embrace of the Andes for 3 days (almost died), the breakdown in virgin forest in the heart of Brazil, the descent by parachute after failure with the aircraft flight Toulouse, the breakdown in the South Atlantic, etc. ... what can I learn more?

Mermoz who believed he had explored to the depths the human morass, suffered the worst

He realized he had left his youth on these shores and it would never be happy

Mermoz (when what he has created is taken by Air France with a heap of corruption ) There had been at the expense of his happiness and inner peace, the spectacle of snobbery, cowardice and terrible struggle that is unceasingly for empty honors and greed.

In his intimate life, a slow, sure and fatal breakdown between him and his wife

For ease, all inform and enlighten all, it had flying and Mermoz flew and it was not an archangel who carried his plane but a man who crossed the

whole prism of the rainbow people.
Such an experience with a man of such sensitivity are not acquired with impunity

"any Mermoz is finished writing this time everything is completed "

As the months passed and that was widening his knowledge of others and himself, he fell back, away from all that fame threw his feet. His melancholy native turned into a kind of luminous sadness.

Mermoz often thought of death. He said: "I would die in plane!" And that is what will happen to him!

was a neurasthenic and created deep in my humble opinion his own demise by its internal state

Conclusion: Thinking +++++ although circumstances say otherwise. Whatever the situations and people: to extract the POSITIVE !!!!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Nyy200 Chipset Driver



- focus on one or two projects at a time ... note the significance of events and messages in achieving your goal
-the left brain is the rational part that wants to understand, analyze, predict
-right part is the seat of creativity and intuition is the most IMPORTANT
we now know that the brain stores words, phrases and thoughts that are repeated regularly. The right side of the brain registers a particular way ... if you say regularly: I do not want to fail professionally ... your brain does not retain the negatives will record: I fail professionally. If you say regularly: I do not want my account is the debtor, the brain will save: I want my account debtor is a result you get, what you do not want.

The brain is programmed so it is important to pay close attention to your way of speaking and thinking

I invite you to observe and listen to those around you and you would find there is a connection between what they say and what is manifest in their lives

For example a person who often says that life is difficult, it is not obvious, it still has problems, created in his daily life, what she thinks .... what reinforces their beliefs and their situation will worsen over months ... believe that it falls on him but in reality it created the situation.

If you listen to a successful person in life, you discover that it speaks positively. She believes in her, in life and in the other .. There is always a solution to it whatever the situation. It develops more and more the capacity for happiness, she receives more and more.

So repeat internally or aloud:
-everything goes wonderfully well in my life at all levels
-I have a wonderful and well-paid profession etc ... etc. ....

-when you have a project or goal, the brain knows exactly what to do, when to make requests and to perform.

The brain is a powerful transmitter ... All the thoughts that pass through your head are issued and directed to situations or people concerned that they are ready for you or to 5000 km, their subconscious will receive the vibrations and thus the information you have issued either thoughts of love or aggression. It is recognized that information travels at the speed of light, is 5-7 times around the earth per second.

The brain is a powerful receiver and thus a sensitive mother can easily perceive the anguish of her child even if he is away.

can say that intuition is always right, by cons which comes from the mind, that is to say, the left brain is not always .. I would say that it is our mind which is misleading.

The key to success, happiness and joy, is to build the mental equivalent of what you want and keep them in your head .. be careful in what you think, what you write and what you say.

Yes I am responsible for my life 100% .. which means that everything goes well in your life is your responsibility. Remember to congratulate and thank him for what is right, for everything you have done positive. Before when I happened something negative, I was looking for a manager to immediately outside it is much easier now I make every effort to find the meaning, the why of what I saw.

Being totally at peace with others is not having any thoughts, words or negative attitude vis-à-vis the people you are close. It has been used to criticize and show essentially limits in others instead of seeing their beauty

When you meet other people, it is easy to criticize or get caught in the game But I remind you that any what one thinks or says about a person, she gets vibrationally and telepathically and you can totally do him wrong.

These are the sufferers who make others suffer, they need your love.

Whenever we criticizes a person or group of people, we send the negative energy that will not only make those people wrong but also fuel conflicts in other parts of the world, increasing the disorder. Subconsciously you are engaged in killing, stealing, hurting when critical thought or speech.


Many people today agree that if 1% of humans living in peace, there would be no war on earth. This means that currently there is not 1% of people who live that peace, and yet half the world population believes in a religion .. It was sobering. Many speak of peace but we live it.

The people we meet and their behavior towards us = our mirror. The people one meets are a reflection of what we are .... This means that if you get to see the best of each person, it will be up to your vision. A person regarded as aggressive and violent is going to show you with gentle and pleasant. We made thousands of experiments that confirm this behavior.

Think with your heart when you meet a person I recognize in you, the better. By sending a sincere love to others, you live more in peace and you allow others to live in peace. You bring the vibrations of love and peace and unconsciously you reduce conflict over land and will prevent acts of malevolence.

If you look good in your life, how you lived your childhood, your adolescence and your adult life, you will find the roots, indices, and the basics of your mission on earth Take time

to note what has been important since your childhood, what impressed you most in positive and negative elements and discover your personal legend.

What I notice is that people who consciously acknowledge their qualities and write are then recognized by outsiders.

more you enjoy and you'll be more appreciated

the habit of seeing others only in their qualities and they will see only your grades

Give gifts to those you love without expectation of return and you will receive much of life.

The difficulties are actually inviting us to decode messages in a change and transformation of our behaviors and decisions

So when you have a problem, accept it and see immediately in this situation, an invitation to change. The fact to accept, prevents you resist, suffer and therefore stress.

Suffering is directly linked to resistance. In letting go, you'll have access to solutions and everything back to normal quickly

Accept the changes and unexpected ... It is essential to follow the movement of life. Life is movement, constant change and you will follow without resistance the current of life, the more it will be enjoyable and easy. We can compare this to the drop part of the stream and is swept away by the current until sea Your life is not static and guided you in confidence, opportunities arise.

Monday, July 3, 2006

Hd Camcorder Vs Non Hd

the eternal cycle, letter to a friend


Friend ....

The Oversoul, as I believe, said: "even small changes in our habits can cause a cascade of other changes .. a detail can change everything"

Remember though I do not judge, ever ... everyone does what he understands ... everyone looking for peace, happiness, love as he can, but very often it is not the right way. I also tried in this world, this has resulted in suffering, I sought HIGHEST .... But I DO NOT JUDGE. .
is predestined everything that happens ... according to my ideas, it is an eternal cycle, every second repeats itself ... if a fly enters into a cycle, it returns the next cycle. I will speak as the previous cycle

It is creative but once we made a choice that it was written. I'm at an intersection .... there are two routes A and B, before I have a choice, once I took this route, WAS ECRIS. Your weekend was written and the next round .. ditto for the next round, I write the same emails

Kisses ... Good day


Monday, June 26, 2006

Anyone Hire Interior Decorators For Christmas

letrre my boss

26/06/2006 Dear Sir,

Here's what C said. at its conference Friday night .... It's always the same ideas that P. .... but rejects me, I think ... and it makes me confused .....

-work = I asked the acts that led me here to
every moment I am free to choose my reaction
-the world around me is the world that is in me (due to outdoor pollution mental pollution)
I am the creator of my feelings, my future
-far from being the victim, I am the creator of this play
-no effect without a cause
-negative is the ferment of more to come-
the September 11 attack, some disaster happened there that day .... and this has saved me
soul, I have always existed, I still existed

........ My beautiful soul who wants to convince P. ... IT IS RESPONSIBLE OF ALL ... It does not accept that ... I could not agree with the suffering I experienced ... But it is the law of entropy and ignorance, I created my pain and now I go back as I can

I read the biography of Mireille Darc, this weekend ... and Alain Delon at a time the loose for a young girl she .... was crazy in love with him, she had a very serious accident ... because the outside is reflected inside .... there's no wiggle to ....
I know this is ... we did it happen with our mindset. Peter, he will remain here if he wants ... He is at the heart of everything .... me too ...!!!!
Me I'm a lover, that's why he was attracted P. ....., when I see a good boy, I fall into a swoon .. are the imprints in the soul ... The fact that I try to convince as well. ! it is in the soul .. We created absolutely everything .. It makes me dizzy, Mr.

P. ......., not accept that he created everything that we are not victims ... So it does not accept this, he is a puppet! but I love her anyway .... beyond ideas. Like its virtues

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Firex Battery Connector

the aristocracy, the aristocracy

Jose Vilallonga

"speaking also of the aristocracy, his family," it is precisely at this time that I broke definitively without knowing with my caste, my world, my people. I saw the boards bare, small, pretty despicable, I discovered the boards, selfish, resentful, mediocre "

explanation of Marie-France: it is because it is at the end of a cycle when souls are very degraded ... and to find its former glory, we must reconnect the only soul which is beyond the game .. that is not descended incarnation after incarnation as this soul does not reincarnate ever, remains pure, beautiful, forever beyond the flaws and pettiness.

"I made in 1965 for an illustrated account of Munich, an inquiry into what had become anti-Semitism in Germany since the end of the war. I questioned hundreds of people all walks of life. The greater number remained to be confessed anti-Semite. Then one day in East Berlin, a boy fiercely anti-Semitic, replied: "Oh, sir, but it is to love or not love them! They simply inspire a profound physical repulsion"

In raja yoga or spiritual institution of the Brahma Kumaris , we talk endlessly of the MEA. I am a soul, another is a soul, this body is an envelope and with such consciousness, racism tomb itself ... and all are my brothers. The problems come from what we assimilate people to their social role, the color of their skin, the country where they were born ... etc. But reincarnation states that life, you can be born in France, the next life, India or Istraël and you end up being the Jew that you abhor above all.
Spirituality understood can break all barriers of race, superiority, inferiority ...
There is a great soul at the end of the cycle = Oversoul

Saturday, June 17, 2006

How To Play Pokemon Snap On Sixty Force

racism and the law of degradation

Preview of Diane de France, the rebellious princess Stephane Bern (illustrated edition )-Some fates are marked by signs. From childhood, Princess Diana was able to decipher
is indomitable, rebellious, only feelings of affection can tame

I wanted to write this because I am also born in an aristocratic environment and I find myself without his words ... and we measure the degradation of the nobility and aristocracy ... inside castles and appearances than meanness, pettiness, stupidity, greed and that is why inheritance collapse, the fortunes squandered, families s'écartèlent eaten ... inside by the moral vices .... and the only way to get out can only be SPIRITUAL ... in this case to reconnect on a resource that BE PERFECT soul

Diane de France was placed 9 years in institution psychiatric with his brother. His parents, Earl and Countess of Paris wanted to break his impulses, curb his temper!

"In the eyes of my parents, this cousin was banished from our table under the pretext of having renounced the Catholic religion to embrace the Orthodox faith. When I invoked the dazzling proof of their love, the answer fusa, scathing:" shut now, you is a fool! "
" what was I thinking parents braced their principles in interpreting abuse a religion based on love? And when Pope John 23 absolut his "sin" after some time, everyone rushed to invite him. O depths of hypocrisy! "
" Rejected by my own, I found the disease among farmers and people of very modest conditions. I found the love in the eyes of maids, cooks and our government, much more than from my parents for whom education of a child resembling the establishment not of a young conscript Far from

m'appitoyer for myself, I drew in me the strength to wait for better days

All children were thwarted in their personal projects, their tastes, their dreams. Frank enlisted in the army because our father prohibited from pursuing a career in agriculture .. Jacques had to give up riding his passion ... "

Diana married the Duke Carl of Württemberg and she will leave her in-laws live in the castle of Altshausen Castle austere area of 18,000 hectares of 45 large farms studded
life with his beautiful family, it was very hard for her ... she had the support of her husband ..

"my freedom of movement was confined to the long corridor on the first floor. To walk in the staterooms, I had to ask permission
My stepmother and her daughters ran the operations, amid jealousies, bitterness and recrimination "

" The pettiness of my own family did not limit either

"I tried to live in isolation, knowing that if I ventured into the family camera, I might wiping a combined attack of harsh criticism or sharp spikes of jealous fury. I offer my prayers to God asking him to give me the strength to endure injustice and endure the daily humiliations "
" when employee breaks a plate, he is obliged to pay its value against its pledges "
" Also this accident (she breaks a leg) gave the front of the stage, disagreements with my beautiful family. The gap dug deeper than a moat "
" my wife's family which I measured each day a little more than the limits of humor "
" Remember that my stepmother gave me one day that I could find now forbidden to pick fruit in the garden because I was on private property "

Duke Carl was especially fond of Princess Diana for her original and free but the fiery temperament of Diana fueling criticism

"looking forward! What I experienced, I had to live. I walk through these events because this was probably my destiny "

" we ended up and listen I understand because I never hides I'm honest, perhaps too because I do not know acting. Over time I learned to keep quiet if you do not ask me, having noticed how disturbing truth ...."

"Compared to my children: I taught them never to utter slander because to me, is what is worst. Gossip can kill "

" the insults suffered by my family are due to the errors of my father and the inconsistency of my brothers. My parents were too proud, deeply convinced of their importance royal. My mother was a socialite unrepentant, she loved to please, always convinced of its beauty, its nobility. She often missed beauty of heart, and child, I was shocked to see her simper in front of men to annoy Dad

... Susur whispered to my husband, critics most treacherous to me. I quickly realized that if I wanted to save my marriage and my peace, I had to keep my distance and my family to stay away
Besides I do not support their chatter over an hour or two, the ones who common refrain of not being able to gossip, the indiscriminate, always rejecting others, their own inconsistency, refusing the slightest bit of self-criticism "

Beyond the financial issue, the recent history of the royal family is like one of those novels where the B series marital problems, personal squabbles, wars and dynastic financial scandals threaten at any moment, bring down the hero of his pedestal

she gets sick (disease = poisoning blood poisoning)
"unable decidedly not rely on my family who did not take me seriously and refused to fly to my aid under the odious pretext that the money from my husband could give me anything I wanted ..
The ditch was then dug a little deeper with my family who did not know me a helping hand "

" Maybe he was just as I pass by way of the cross to acquire another open-mindedness. I believe fundamentally that nothing is accidental.

Enjoy every day as possibly the last and therefore live fully, intensely, marveling at being alive and trying to give to others what one receives

Personality of Princess Diana ( I am confused, she is my sister!): controlled extravagance, its artless frankness, common sense and welcomed by all

"Wherever I am in the world, I send my friends, for thinking, positive vibes

Early on, I realized that true beauty is that of the soul and heart

Is it to take the cons-up of what I Having my mother that I have a holy horror of worldliness? Mom had a knack for always receive friends who came to tea at home and spouting nonsense. I've always felt uncomfortable in these halls of worldly vanities, where people plastronnent, pontificate, talk to them with pleasure but are unable to push the conversation further than the froth surface.
With my frankness, I saw early on that I sense and I preferred to deepen bonds of genuine "friendship privately

" Anyway, I found this company Parisian aristocrat superficial, selfish, bloated self-importance and can not hide his stupidity under a layer of varnish hypocrite "

Every night, I proceed with clarity and severity in my examination of conscience .. I eliminate all negative thoughts, I cast the bitterness of my heart and I am forbidden to give in to gossip

Only my account eyes, to appear before God without a mask
I'm not a saint but I try to be fair, honest and send love to everyone I meet if they show even malicious to me.
I think basically that human beings are evil when they are unhappy

"I know the peace within the family but it sounds like an impossible dream. We are all brothers and sisters, perhaps differently, failed love in our childhood when we spend our time hanging while protesting that they love each other deeply "

she is beautiful .. the French aristocracy, where children suffer from lack of love .... not everywhere but I also lived + + + ("Marie-Francoise)

" but how not to regret that our society loses the thread of the sacred, dark body and soul into hedonism and materialism !

" I'm not making , I see just what others can not see. I happened to have flashes
For nearly lost it, I love life. In everything, I see the positive side and a mysterious force pushes me to go ahead without stopping. I remain curious, open to any idea, curious about what life holds

Friday, June 9, 2006

Fashion Tv Withaut Cloths


The law of karma (envrac )

Every thought, word and action result in thought, word and action equal and opposite. It's a fair law for everyone. It can not be circumvented. What I invest, I will return, I will harvest the fruits of what I sowed. When it comes to karma, a delay is possible between sowing and harvest. The seeds of certain actions occur instantly, others take years and even lives to become a fruit.

-nothing happens that I am responsible
-If I have good thoughts for others, these thoughts will reach ... whatever may be their feelings for me-
Our mental structure is the result of everything we thought
Why am I here ? Why is she happy and not me? Me why he did that? Why it did succeed in life? Why it was he born blind and without arms? Why she suffers so much, she is so nice? Why is it that child died a horrible death? Why did I married this?
Why? How? Why? What? These issues tearing apart the fabric of consciousness. There only one answer: karma. Nothing can happen that comes from my past or from other
Whatever happened until now, the responsibility can not be attributed to any other person, or my ancestors, nor government or even God
For the future, it happen to me WHAT I AM creating
Humans have the power to create, we have created our current situation in a world of deep pain and suffering. My heart can not say that God is responsible
The current role of God is to teach the universal laws so that we put into practice
The soul itself determines the time, place, social status, gender, body and family where she will be born. This process is not conscious is the cumulative result of the actions of the previous life or previous lives. Everything that happens in everybody's life is the fruit of his own past, recent or distant
We have the freedom to change direction and build the best possible future
The reasons why a certain relationship is going well or not are in the accumulated karmic accounts with each other. My strongest karmic relationships were established before. We knew in other lives and probably in other relationships. The son is now coming back as a husband, the friend comes back as a brother-
etc. ... everything that a person registers in him as a fingerprint. These impressions influence our talents, our personalities and our inclinations
-as a spiritual being, with the same spirit, the same intellect and personality that even now, I have been in other bodies, I knew of other places and I have been involved in other relationships. In summary, I'm still the same person

-Role God is to awaken our conscience. My task is to allow my conscience to clean and refine itself through meditation. I must be able to retire away from my own trap of vicious cycles, emotional dependencies ... is the ultimate goal of meditation that weaves the link with the Oversoul. Through meditation of raja yoga, can cause a very positive way, a profound change of personality. Raja yoga is a method of working directly on the soul itself

Whatever may have been my past karma, the fire of the love of the Oversoul can abolish it and erase its impact in the soul itself
-Giving instead of taking any invalid debt
-Karma par excellence is to bring souls to the Oversoul

In summary, while aware of energy, thoughts, words or actions is a karma that leaves an impression, an impression which receives feedback good or bad
-soul is not immune to the actions it performs
-positive karma is one that benefits the original state of self and others (peace and love)
-negative karma is that which goes against the original state of self and others
-soul takes a human body and comes on the scene of the world experience the action, interaction and impact
-reward or punishment does not come from a higher being whatsoever, this Not a bad turn of divine providence or a whim of fate or luck. It is simply the effect of our thoughts, words and actions created in the past. The individual rewards or punishes himself
-past created the present which, in turn, created the future, it has always been like that
I am not the victim of my past
-cry about the past is useless. I have to convert the sentence to learning. If I sow the joy, the joy I will harvest
I am 100% responsible for my current situation, whatever it is, I definitely created
I can change my present in order to eliminate the weight created in the past
I am the architect of my destiny. The fate or destiny is in fact the effect of my own actions
-No human being can feel the bonds of all its lives more pain than happiness.
-We come into contact with people because we have to deal our karmic accounts with them
-luck or bad luck are the direct result of actions or attitudes of the past. Bad luck is a consequence of suffering inflicted on others in the past and good luck is the result of the joy given to other
we can resolve his karma
three ways-by suffering physical or mental suffering by
- of soul-
by meditation (meditation is a fire in which we burn garbage or negative. This is the way to be certain not to suffer too. It is a painless method
things go well or badly, we feel that there must be a reason. The theory of reincarnation can be very useful to understand that we can do something in life and receive the return in the next life. We may even have done something there are 20 lives and did receive the results until tomorrow morning. Of course we do not know the cause.
We carry with us the memory of our past lives but we are making the prints.
People sometimes commit evil deeds and they seem to get away with it while we make a tiny mistake and we pay right away. The law of karma acts at that time in the short term us and for other long-term but they will not get away because one day or another, they will reap an opposite and equal to
mistakes we can not do good deeds for others, but only
for ourselves-how I get things is also karma. I become responsible for my own reaction and the choice of my reply
-Our health is linked to our karma. Good health is the result of our past karma and the opportunities that life brings us are also the result of past karma. The kind of people we have affinities and the people among whom we are born, our parents, are the result of past karma
-We all have good and bad karma, but most of us have more of karmic debts and we need to credit our accounts ..
To credit our accounts
-consciousness of soul-pure thoughts

-connect with the Oversoul

Here are some ideas ....
Personal notes .. I felt the full brunt of the law of karma in this incarnation with bulimia, no "mom", not "cuddles" and it is undeniable that the connection to the Oversoul, my true Mom, the positive karma that I could do consciousness of mind, good thoughts that I maintain, all this contributes stepping change my destiny for this life and the whole cycle ... In recent years, holding the hand of the Oversoul and understanding the law of karma, I managed to reverse the data that was not glorious at first .... I suffered a lot ... my stage Bulimia is a disease of wild and the magic of raja yoga
That saved me dear readers ... .. ________________________________

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Sv2000 Dvd Cannot Finalize

mirror effect .. the other is my mirror

The mirror
What is So this mirror? It means that everything we see and in others is a reflection of ourselves. When we like something in someone, it is usually a part of ourselves that we do not want to believe or that we dare not express. When we
something is unbearable in the other, it's the same .. it is a polarity that is ours but we is unbearable. We can not tolerate in another because it returns us to ourselves. If we are sincere, we will find out quickly what the other looks like us. We see in the other what concerns us and concerns us
The second component of this mirror is that our non-conscious leads us to meet people who suit us. This principle works in positive and negative. So that when we really want something, we meet by chance as people, books, radio programs that will help us. We also meet people with whom we disagree when we have something to understand. We must accept: that is what this meeting, this will teach me? If we are sincere, the answer comes quickly
Like little Pierre because he takes me back to myself ... its qualities of simplicity, lightness, authenticity, kindness I like .. because they are in me ... humor. I laugh with him. ... Etc ...
Your qualities interest me so this is mine ... THANK YOU! ! ! intelligence, understanding of others, tolerance, respect you have for everyone, love, listening ... lots and lots of things I like in you So what are my qualities to me ...

I embrace you. .

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the law of karma the law of karma

The law of karma
With the discovery I am a soul, I understand that every action leaves on me, a footprint, brand
Historically, it seems difficult to distinguish right from wrong. Every culture, every religion gives a different definition. Even within a religion, these concepts may differ from one generation to the next
Until I identify a little bit in my physical shell, my religion, my gender, my age or my culture, these influences color my ideas, my thoughts. If I remain aware that I am a soul, I am able to understand better what is good or bad
The body awareness that we act driven by motives such as greed, ego
The law of karma states that every action (karma) give rise to an equal and opposite reaction. If I give happiness, happiness I get if I give the penalty, the sentence I will receive
By harvesting the fruit of my karma, I forget my responsibility. If the fruit is bitter, I blame others. If suffering is my lot, I understand that I am responsible. I am responsible for my state of mind, my situation, in fact, my whole life but I do not often culpabiliserBien the law of karma is understood only partially resulting in a fatalistic spirit. We tell ourselves: What happens to me is the return of my past lives, I can not do anything. This is my destiny.
In fact I suffered not my destiny but I created .. If I choose to perform actions pure and beneficial, I can create a positive karma ... In adopting the consciousness of soul, I am naturally inclined to create good karma to me ... I do not feel like everything you write the law of karma is a long time ... but remember that to get out of negative karma, one must understand the soul and Baba ... People do not get that out of ignorance. ... they do not reconnect to Baba, they have not the strength to climb all alone ...
Thoughts on the law of karma
we come in contact with people to resolve our karma with them
it is impossible to do anything at any level without having to return
the law of karma-s' usually applied quickly to bad actions and long-term good deeds
etc. ... etc. ... I renounce all write. but I assure you, Sir, that is exciting the course of karma raja ... How to settle our negative karma created life after life, and how to accumulate positive karma for a whole cycle. ... it's always the same story .. ... related to the AME
Good evening

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07/06/2006 Dear Sir

Here is the law of karma .. about my first personal and then I copy the "stuff" in a book
The basic idea to understand the law of karma as the raja yoga = I am a soul, I am a point of light in the center of the forehead. ... Baba is also a point of light. ... full story cycle (for us anyway) = it has taken for the body, we made love with each other physically attracted to and that's great cause of degradation of the world and men ... I am well placed to talk about because I had three husbands, lovers, children, rape a few! ! ! the soul reaches the bottom because of lust.
My experience is evident as soon as I recognized Baba, I began to stop having sex, I connect to the Oversoul, my karma is alleviated ... 20 years ago, with all these stories lust + bulimia .. I could not go, I went through hell. ... and just by understanding the mind and Baba ... my karma is changing
Currently everyone is taken by consciousness body, appearance, lust reigns supreme on this planet and everyone gets out, degenerates with the return of karma that you see everywhere ..
Every time there is suffering, there is a karma behind
Science is at the top but the souls degenerate simply due to lack of understanding: I am a soul, the Supreme Soul is a soul .... It is the end of a cycle and at the end we will see a surge of lust, vice and all that we want .... then again and again I hit you with my ideas because you may end up doing the
beyond the explanation, it yal'expérience ...
I do not know yet what I still like to resolve karma ... but what is certain is that I will remain chaste ... happiness is not in lust ... happiness is much more subtle and profound ...
people create karma with lust + + + and all negative thoughts, without love, they have in mind ....
This aspect in the raja, I like it + + +: it was a way to recover. Not that the pitch. ... I experienced for myself and you've read my book ...
This is the version of Marie-Francoise
The following mail is a book to flesh
I embrace you, sir, I do what I can to help you, Peter ... because one day maybe you'll be glad you have known me ... You are boss, I saw that people are not after you stop me, so sometimes when it does not go with Marie-Claude and one day it will be too heavy for you and maybe you'll want to understand a bit .. the soul, Baba, the law of karma .. little Peter too .. We do not know ... behind his songs .... There is no chance and I have a more easy relationship with him ... it's linked to good karma ..
In any case, you have great qualities, so I can not let you without understanding. ... fly women ...! ! ! ! (Laughs) Marie-Francoise


Friday, June 2, 2006

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letter to my dear patron

01/06/2006 Dear Sir,

every day to see something positive happens ... sometimes it's not easy! !
I miss a bit in this job but see the positive, listen to music .... In raja

this morning, the Oversoul said that the world is in this state, because everyone has forgotten is that this Supreme Being! oh yeah!

I'm naive and I'm not at my place in this world, because is a cycle, it is at the end of a cycle and I have known a world more beautiful .. where people had no vices, masks ... where they danced, sang and played; here is ugly ... it's full of defects, calculations ... maybe you too, someday you'll come ... you have the makings of a soul that is no here ...!!!

I forbid you when you review! +++++

Positive for Marie-Francoise today ... I was wearing my library book .. from here .... you never know ... and I were 25 for free .. have to see the positive little things every day ... Danxi this crazy world! You're a positive relationship for Marie-Francoise
Good evening


Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Thank You For Sharing This Special

letter to my boss

on 30/05/2006 Dear Sir, I love the text

Arnaud Desjardins on the absolute love. ... ... when P. say love, friendship, it's not important to him, the explanation = he does not know what love is true .... as many people ... he has known that loves adulterated and he rejects the love ... like me before ... for the love of this world has more content, is selfish, selfish, tasteless ... You look for love elsewhere. ..

My goal, my reach perfection .. then I tell everything to X. .. it works for something. ... I tell you not !!!... it will work for anything I am ashamed .... and after I change. This is important because it leaves with our transformation! "What I have not changed in me, I take it removes rust and I up there ... so I use all the means I can

Another idea that comes in a second .... I created a habit and a second, I lose ... I lost that habit a habit in one second, so the other usual I have to lose, it's the same ... IT WILL REQUIRE A SECOND IF I WANT

A habit that is created with a single action ... action and I created a footprint on the hard drive of my soul .... another action and erase the pre-registration
Good day


Saturday, May 27, 2006

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the mind and heart (Christian Schaller)

The Mind and Heart: A Dialogue between the left brain and right brain

-Listen to me "Who are you, little voice?
"I am the voice of your heart, your inner child, your smile and your happiness
-Shut up, I do not want to listen, I am a serious man, me! I have to do, I work, I'm in a hurry, busy
-Si, listen to me you need me, without me you're dry, do you hurry, you hurry to get where, to win what?
-Enough! You gonna tell me I do not know how nonsensical fable, your nonsense, I do not want
Come, relax, come play with me, my love song for you overflows. Do not be so serious, the world will not collapse if you stop a moment to work.
-Well, I grant you 5 minutes. Not one more. Be brief, be accurate, to the point, do not go into detail leads you astray unimportant
-five minutes is just to make you dream,'ll amaze you, you talk about tenderness, sweetness, delicacy, to tell you that you are beautiful, I need you. Come closer to me!
-Oh no! Enough! No familiarity. Stay where you are, be well educated, please.
"But I love you, my love, my darling. I am your child gold, your baby, your treasure, I am the divine spirit that gives you life, I am the wisdom and joy. The stars in my eyes, shining with a thousand lights, arcs in the sky beautiful. I dress your horizons and Mother Nature speaks through me you love without detour
"You're too lyrical, be more logical. What do you mean? Why do you take me so long?
-I want to make you happy, loosen your tie and relax your eyes, give you a little space to live with this simply nothing to do or crusade or war. Being there, just there to breathe, feel life flowing without him chasing
-Stop, you're scaring me, you're dangerous. You're a leftist, a bare-feet, a anarchiste.Tu sow disorder, chaos you preach, I gotta be quiet, save the order, good order, mine. Keep control, do not lose the compass

And an angry gesture, now my mind with incredible violence, stabbed my inner child with good reason, so hard and that poitues red blood starts to flow A warm blood that pulses and moves like a Creek to the earth that receives and drinks without asking anything

Freed from that part of myself that I turned away from the right path, since I lead an exemplary life, a life of businessman

I do not play
I do not cry
I do not laugh
I have no time for trifles
I worked
I gained a lot of money
I proceeded methodically, seriously
-all because I am afraid because toujous
-in my life, everything is in order, everything is well organized and well managed

Except that sometimes in my chest, there is like a big sob that oppresses . My heart is pounding. The doctors gave me medication until I transplant an artificial heart that will allow me to live another 20 years, logically!

Christian Schaller

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poetry on the Supreme Soul: The sun sets over the sea

The sun sets over the sea

Fireball full of love and strength
You teach me to live the magnitude
L brilliance of diamonds, triumphant laugh
This God, who has always
created the splendor of every day
How could we believe in our hubris

God had betrayed us,
he had, in His anger Wanted
our miseries, So our wars
He reminded us
Every sunset
His Love God, in His generosity,
We made free, totally free
We can destroy and curse
Rampage, blame, blaspheme
But the sun which sets
Behind the horizon of the sea
daily reminder that we are children of Love
sun shining wonder in my heart Turns

The fire of wisdom

Illuminate my fears And the light From God brings
, patience
humor and creativity

Christian Schaller

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proteins, amino acids and calcium: a question .. again Christian Schaller

proteins are found as well in the vegetable or animal. Those found in plants are also good nutritional quality than those of animal origin. The amount of protein from plants is sufficient to allow a horse, an elephant or a hippopotamus to grow to maturity!
The period of our lives when we most need protein is childhood.

If you eat unrefined plant foods, it is not enough protein. You can challenge a dietician to prescribe a menu deficient in protein is impossible if one has some pieces of vegetable or legume-like starchy as potatoes.
Proteins are formed from amino acids. There are 12 amino acids that we can synthesize it ourselves in our bodies and 8 that we receive through food are called essential amino acids

All plant foods contain the 8 essential amino acids in proportions that are, in most cases, more than double the calculated requirements for children and adults
It is almost impossible to find cases of protein deficiency in our societies while it is extremely unusual to see people who suffer from excessive consumption of protein

North Americans and Europeans absorb 6 to 10 times more protein than they need. The excess protein provides an extra work to the liver and kidneys and these organs become exhausted.

For this, the kidneys must use large amounts of calcium, which causes loss of bone calcium with the result of osteoporosis and urinary concentrations of calcium cause kidney stones. It is mostly animal protein that create these problems

The use of animal products as a protein source because it also absorbs large amounts of fat and cholesterol. More animal products are deficient in fiber and very often contaminated by viruses, bacteria and chemicals

The plant foods are low in cholesterol and fat, high in fiber. They therefore constitute the best source of protein for human consumption

believe that one should absolutely eat meat is a myth without foundation. This myth is the source of many health disorders.

believe it is necessary consuming milk and cheese to get enough calcium is another myth generator diseases. A diet as simple as that of Chinese and Japanese rice and vegetables, contains enough calcium to allow the millions of Asians to live without drinking milk or absorb calcium tablets

It is crucial to understand that most of calcium deficiency among westerners do not come from a lack of calcium in food, but an excess of protein which causes a loss of bone calcium. A careful study of the scientific literature shows that calcium deficiency in humans does not come never a lack of calcium in the diet. There is enough calcium in plants to allow horses, elephants, hippos and giraffes to build their huge skeleton !

The amount of calcium absorbed from the intestine is determined by the body's need for calcium and also by the activity of intestinal cells that are sure to absorb only what is necessary for the body's needs. If all the calcium ingested with food was absorbed by intestinal cells, we would be overloaded with calcium

The dairy industry tries to make people believe that osteoporosis is due to the fact that people do not consume enough milk cow! Yet osteoporosis is a disease that is found mostly in countries that consume many dairy products, including the U.S., England, Istraël, Finland and Sweden. This disease is extremely rare in countries that consume almost no dairy products, which is the case in most countries of Asia and Africa.

USA, a country which has the highest consumption of animal protein in the world, we find the highest rate of fractures of the femur. In African countries, fractures of the femoral neck is virtually unknown
Simply reduce the protein intake of food to restore calcium balance, ie not to lose more than it absorbs. People who tend to osteoporosis should therefore refrain from animal protein and eating only vegetable protein

Christian Schaller (general practitioner, practitioner of homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, holistic, diet etc. ....)

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household thoughts (Christian Schaller)

tomatoes, it could also

thoughts too long Keep the same ideas in his brain
intoxication leads to mental
to depression, illness
must do the cleaning of his thoughts
Discard those that are good for nothing
In choosing new
Warm and Natural
And drip
In every corner of self
bright, quiet and serene

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visualization (Christian Schaller)

few minutes of viewing daily allow people detained to maintain their physical strength; of rheumatic patients and accident victims can restore their joint mobility by repeated viewing of their joints moving freely, remarkable results are obtained competitive sport in the mental training

Trying to imagine, to visualize and feel beautiful develops these qualities by creating the mental models needed for their acquisition
To do this, just close your eyes Breathe deeply

or Imagine view in a chosen situation with as much detail

Doing this without effort, having fun "to let the images come."
Through repetition, it always feels more "enter the picture"

Learning to use his mind in a positive way by the visualization is to discover how to use our brains, this prodigious computer capable to get us health and happiness in every moment of our lives

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defeat rheumatism (Christian Schaller)

Many people suffer from rheumatism without being aware of the vital role of diet in these diseases
Excess food of animal origin (meat- milk ..) causes an overload of protein and fat that clogs the joints gradually
In countries where people eat mainly plants, rheumatic diseases are virtually nonexistent. It is wrong to believe that we should eat meat or dairy foods not to suffer from deficiencies .. plant proteins are quite adequate for the proper functioning of our cells. For 25 years, I propose to rheumatic patients: "just try it .. a few weeks of plant food without animal products .." and I received thousands of confirmations of this simple truth: it is easy to clean up the "engine" and get rid of rheumatism by becoming aware of the principles of healthy eating
And if at the same time, you learn to clean up his mind while connecting with his spiritual being, the results will be rapid.

Why continue to suffer? Health is something you learn!

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of fear ...

I saw that life is a wonderful gift that never stops since death is not the end of everything. I realized that all the fears come from the fact of identifying with his material body. I think if nothing more than my physical body, then death is a horrible tragedy, the destruction of my personality, life is absurd because the future is a big gap.

But if I understand that I am more than a body-machine, I'm an immortal soul, then everything changes. There is more fear of disappearing. I realize that the material world is like an image projected on a screen. Whatever happens on the screen, the film is in the spotlight, remains intact. This film is the soul of light I am.
soon as I position myself as a soul detached from the body, fear and stress disappear. Fear exists only in mind and identify with his body is only a thought. To overcome fear, simply leave the intellect to go to the heart. How? we remember how we lived before the mind is developed.

Our brain has two hemispheres. On the right side of our cerebral cortex serve our intuitive, imaginative, artistic and all our capabilities parapsychic. On the left side, are our intellectual functions, rational, analytical, mathematics. When we think in a rational manner, we enable our left brain .. now it turns out that all our fears and illusions about our true nature are thoughts that exist only in the left cortex. Discover global thinking where 'intellest is constantly enlivened by intuition, where words are connected to images, which our brain works more like a one-legged jumping on one foot but as a rider who uses her two legs .

To combat fear, cower as in the arms of the Supreme Soul is My Father, My Mother ... A mother protects her child but

Christian Schaller sauce Marie-Francoise !

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letter to my boss

27/05/2006 Dear Sir,

A thought came to me .. When the Oversoul (since I believe in it) I fished in 1984, I was in bad shape, hungry, depressed, aggressive, full of all-out search for love, sad, savage, evil as any ... Him, if He had not seen it, if he did not see the three aspects time, I would have dropped .. and say "it's hopeless" .. But it is the power of His love for me, that made me change and I found my perfection, my kingdom .

You, you do the same without you ... stop trying to encourage, invigorate people, defuse conflicts, find solutions .. You're a psychologist .. incredible example with Mary, immediately you're looking how to join, where to find the agreement rather that the disagreement unconstructive!

When I say to P. .. I love him, because I landed on him, the same look as the Oversoul on Marie-Francoise ... I do not see that his qualities and obviously it is what I see ... C ' is what to do in every relationship ... I embrace you


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Health Organization (Christian Schaller .. My health secrets sun

Every moment we make a choice between the balance and imbalance, health and disease and this although we are not always aware!
Every thought, word and actions are indicative of the choices we make at the time: "I'm tired, I do not feel well, I do not want to work" etc ... For those statements, we create disease and imbalance .. When we do this for a significant part of our day, how can we be surprised to see realized the program we have shaped ourselves with our minds? Let us avoid the pitfalls
of negativity by saying that often we feel fit, saying he is enough time in the day to accomplish what needs to be done. We expect to positive experiences, meet interesting people, see the beauty that surrounds us .. So we can really choose for health for our minds, our feelings and our body

Christian Schaller

Friday, May 26, 2006

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the immortal soul and the Oversoul

What I see from me is also what I plan on others
I want to be free to express what is most noble in me , purer
I am light in pure
I am a bright, peaceful, powerful
exist forever regardless of what body
I become an ocean of compassion, acceptance, understanding, forgiveness and love
accept my strength, my power and Although my value

say or do to others is their role, not mine

I am a tiny speck of light and energy, a star shining in the night, the center of the forehead

The situations are temporary, the actor myself, I am eternal

My nature is made of deep silence and peace

I radiate like a star silent and pure

My Master self is the gift I offer my entourage

Supersoul, You taught me to drop the illusions as what I had no value and you help me rediscover how I am unique. You give meaning to my life

you like me to be authentic. When I feel you by my side, I tell myself that anything is possible

I know You watch over me .. Even obstacles devienennt blessings. You give me strength to understand and advance

Your love is the only force that can end all my strife

I feel worthy of this Love, You understand me, You know me well You make

my heart so pure and generous

Happiness is not the result of my environment. My heart swells with happiness. Happiness is one of my fundamental qualities

Realize that I am a fundamentally pure and good, a being of peace and love

My happiness is independent from the outside, it is the fruit of my inner attitude. I'm happy is my original nature

I recognize my value and that of others

When I realize I am a soul pure and peaceful, I am not this body, I become happy

My happiness is not to thank you for the moody other

is my level of happiness that determines the quality of my relationships. When I'm happy, I create harmony around me.

The sweetness and tenderness are the natural expression of happiness. Happiness is contagious, I give happiness around me and I get happiness

My heart is full of gratitude, gratitude opens the doors of Divine Love

I feel so loved (e) of love so pure and perfect. The Oversoul accept myself exactly as I am. He receives me as someone very special. The purity of this Amou'i touches my heart.

I am an energy, a point of living light, a spiritual being. I am the living light intangible. This is who I am: a being immortal, eternal. I'm not made of matter, I am not this body.

In the silence, I feel love for what I am. I begin to understand, accept myself. I respect my original being. By understanding my true nature, I am reborn self respect

I am so often identified with my body, my profession, my appearance. I am a living energy just behind the eyes, this is who I am. This energy gives life to my body. J''existe me soul, I think and I feel I exist independently

this body, I am eternal

There is no fear, no form of punishment, I feel safe, I know that I exist forever. I have confidence in me, I accept myself and I love

In me the soul, there are infinite treasures of love, joy, peace and serenity. I share this energy of peace and love with all. I have the strength to love and to remain peaceful

I can see me as I am a spiritual being with virtues and defects. I do not judge me, I must be the first to accept me and love me

I know that my nature is beautiful and positive

It is not necessary to blame anyone

I look with respect and love and I look at others with respect and love

Fool's Oversoul gives me confidence in myself and in life

Love 's expresses subtle .. Everywhere I go, that Love with me and protect me

The Supreme Being is the only one who truly loves me because He is the only one who really knows me and I start to feel the same love for Him

Love beyond pure personal desires, I always look with love

Love always gives pure, my heart opens to the beauty of such a love

Now I know Ocean of Love and Peace, I no longer feel alone. I always feel His presence as if He was with me at any time

How often am I patient with myself, with life, with others?

Patience enables me to wait for the right moment, the right decision and wait for others

During my journey, obstacles will test me but the door to protect me patience. With patience, I can watch me and understand me I honestly

unique qualities that person has. My life reflects contentment, love and happiness

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for a successful life, a love passed (Arnaud Desjardins)

absolute love

We keep in our memory deep, subconscious memories that go back well before the existence and demonstrate the fragility of happiness based on life together.
You can not really love what you mean by the word "love" if we longer need to be loved. You can not really love that when we most need to be loved. Love on the other we shall then, if I can say, given the bargain but it is no longer a necessity. When we don 'have need to be loved, first we can finally enjoy secondly, you can really feel the love of another because the background of fear has disappeared.

What defines the human being is the need to be loved.
When we feel or believe we loved, it was momentarily, the fundamental fear of the future is no longer felt
When we feel loved, the dangers of nuclear conflict have not disappeared, the dangers of an accident have not disappeared, the dangers of unemployment, economic crisis have not disappeared, the threats we all have not gone away yet and fear, she has disappeared
When a man and a woman are truly in love with each other, even in tragic circumstances, fear disappears
Even if it's raining bombs on all sides, a child no longer afraid just because His mother hugs him and he feels loved again.
The moves need to be loved all beings, not just those who are alone in life and whose life is just frustration.

You do not claim to be relatively little loved or loved, you are asking to be loved in a perfect manner, in whole, without a shadow, without a flaw and forever
(is this love I've found with the Oversoul see the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University on the internet)

The application of love can be intensified by frustration childhood, lack of maternal love or the death of the mother or the nostalgia of a great love that we had

You can not love when you no longer need to be loved and viscerally as you need to be loved You do not feel really love each other because you're afraid, afraid doubling

Yet happiness in marriage is not impossible but it would no longer need to be loved so have no fear, more fear of betrayal, more fear of separation, more afraid of the future and to live fully, fully in the moment, in the here and now "

I come to understand how this desire for love that I had also projected onto the ideal woman was gradually filled by my encounters with the wise ( for MF, met with the Oversoul)

Sadly these sages and the saints capable of love as the sun heats and lights are rare in our society

Love these wise or Oversoul for ourselves is a love that does not judge, it is an absolute love. The wise, the Oversoul loves us as we are

Nobody loves us as we are. We loved it as we wanted, such that we wanted while the sage, the Oversoul loves us as we are, absolutely

Make at least honor the Oversoul to believe it is capable of the same love and a guru of the psychological understanding that the greatest psychotherapist

I said earlier that love was what was most terrible, fantastic. Now I'll tell you what is most horrible, not love self

Do not love yourself, not accepting who we are, to judge, feel guilty ... as if the Oversoul was able to stop loving us. It is only we who by our mistakes, can condemn us to hell .. The Supreme Soul is infinite love, infinite

We live where we lived in this tragedy not we love ourselves. You do not forgive you for being what you are

The mind grows with the child and the mind is woven comparisons

As I am clumsy, childish, fallible, proud, I am worthy of love. Imperfect as I was, I could be loved and gradually I learned to love myself

This is the impasse in the debate almost all men and women: I dream of being loved, I absolutely need be loved, I fail because my romance are always emotional, if not alas neurotic. I live in fear, impossible demands, projected the awkwardness because I do not feel loved enough to be free from want to be.

The first person whose love you need is you as you are, incomplete, imperfect

You think as you are, you can not love you; That distorts everything and makes life, this pathetic quest for love

Instead of begging for love from people who are not able to love because they themselves need to be too, come to beg for love from those who no longer need to be loved, to be totally sufficient to themselves and therefore are really capable of loving.

It is terrible tragedy to hope that we're in love, divine moments of which there remains nothing but the bitterness of the passions that can change quickly in wounds and hatred, until, to suffer less, we destroyed within us the richness of our sensitivity

An absolute love can do anything, including ourselves. Could there be any happiness if we do not love ourselves, if we refuse what we are and if our guilt overwhelms us?

The Oversoul love you as you are

One who really feels like can not be mean, someone who really feels like can not be ambitious and someone who has done something great in his life is a being who felt loved, most likely by his mother. There is no man and woman wicked. Nor Stalin has destroyed 20 million of its citizens including its comrades, no Hitler, no one. (I note that it was Arnaud Desjardins said that not Marie-Francoise) Only people unloved. If Stalin had been really loved, he would not have killed 20 million Russians, if Hitler had been really loved, he would not have destroyed millions of Germans and Europeans

Love you with your limitations and Do your imperfections

think more, do more than others think and do you consider yourself more. Try to love others as they are and love yourself as you are, understand others as they are and understand you as you are

What defiles the most human love is always fear from a craving to be loved and everything is distorted.

If fear is gone, you do not risk anything .. you can play the game because you are sufficiently stable, solid to awaken in another free consciousness that will grow gradually and Love becomes possible .

If we no longer need to feel loved BE and to escape the fear, human love is given us besides.

In conclusion, Marie-Francoise speaks "Because I am loved by the Supreme Being that I do not need a man in my life with all that entails tearing, attachment, desire, jealousy

So thank you for making Oversoul realized that Marie-Francoise You were

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suffering linked to time

If you do not want to create more suffering, not create more time
The present moment is all you have. Grant only short visits to the future
All fear comes from fear of death or annihilation
People seek gratification of ego in their social status, their property, their position. All this you should give it up sooner or later
To dissociate the mind, does not live according to the past or future. Past and future are illusions. Time is an illusion
more you focus on the past or the future, the more you miss this, life is NOW
The mind wants to escape this, he created some anxiety for the future or Hope
Observe the mind, watch your thoughts, emotions. Do not judge
When situations result in an emotion, the reaction takes possession of you. It's not about you, but my real scenario of the mind
Observe the mind saves energy
miracle of life when one is in this
Most people identify with their aversions, their emotions, feelings, and this leads to alcohol, too much work, sex as numbing
If the ego is in danger or interpersonal conflict, it causes an intense negativity and anger, depression, violence
What thoughts are you trying to create the face of this situation? Your thoughts or feelings are justified or not, you pollute the present situation. Negativity is never the solution and any negative is contagious.
You are the one and only responsible for your inner life
identification of form is an illusion